21 January 2008

Even More Random Pics

I am going to bring back pigtails as a hair trend.

I told you I like cookies.

Well, there goes my diet...

Basket Case

Dad thought it would be cute if he put me in a basket. If anyone cracks any 'basket case' jokes they are going to have to answer to me!

I Like Cookies

As you can tell I really love cookies...

Halloween 2007

Dad finally got off of his behind and posted pics of my first Halloween.

Mom, Nana, Jason and myself went out for the night. I didn't get any candy though because I'm still too young. Maybe next year...

Mom and Me trick or treating in front of someone's house.

Dad decided to get into the act as well and help me go to the door. My cousin Jason was able to get a lot of candy.

Here we are in front of Jason's house ready to take on the night.

I Think Bandannas Look Good On Me

Dad dressed me up with a bandanna and I must say, I think I look pretty cute!